Registration Form for Drayton’s Brigade

Print then complete this form entirely. Registration fee for Drayton's Brigade is $15.00 and is due by 1 August 2002. Walk-ons will not be allowed to participate. All horses on-site must have prior written approval!

Include this form with the registration form for the main event. These fees are in addition to those for the main event. Send only one check for the total amount of the main event and for Drayton's Brigade to the Antietam Comemoration Committee. Fees for the main event are $10 through 30 April, $15 through 31 July, and $25 through 13 September. Add the applicable amount to your $15 fee for Drayton's.

The registration fee for Drayton's Brigade shall be used to purchase rations, insurance and porta- jons for the event. All unused and remaining monies shall be donated to the Friends of South Mountain State Park.


Affiliation (your regular unit)                                                                                              


City                                                                                        State                                      


Phone                                                           Email                                                              

I have read the rules and regulations for the event and agree to abide by them.



3D SC BATTALION           15TH SC           PHILLIP’S LEGION           51ST GA           STAFF

Questions? Contact S. Chris Anders at 240/420-6251 or at

Drayton's Brigade homepage

3d S.C. Batt'n / 15th S.C.V. / 51st GA / Phillips Legion

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Last updated 21 July 2002 at 1245 hrs.

This page hosted by Silas of the 3d S.C. Batt'n. Email him here.