Now enlisting Campaigners/Progressives for
Drayton's Brigade
at 140th Sharpsburg
12-15 September 2002

Thirteen hundred soldiers of Thomas Drayton's mixed brigade of Georgians and South Carolinians marched into the fight at Boonsborough or Fox's Gap on 14 September 1862. Casualties were severe. Less than half marched away.

Three days later, the shattered brigade participated in the bloody battle of near Antietam Creek.

Soon thereafter, the brigade was disbanded. Its units transferred to other brigades, and its commander banished to the Trans-Mississippi Theater.

Join the dedicated reenactors who are recreating this overlooked and forgotten brigade of the Army of Northern Virginia for the 140th anniversary of the Battle of Sharpsburg.

Participation in the brigade is limited.

What is Drayton's Brigade?

Unit Pages:

3d South Carolina Infantry Battalion - The March

15th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry

51st Georgia Infantry

Phillips Georgia Legion Infantry

Uniform Regulations

Registration for Drayton's Brigade


Civilian Adjunct homepage

Last updated 21 July 2002 at 1245 hrs.

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