140th Antietam Civil War Re-enactment

Official Registration Form – 13-15 September 2002

(Modified for Drayton's Brigade)

Please fill this form out as completely as possible and list everyone on the attached sheet (use additional sheets as needed). Return all forms and fees to: Antietam Commemoration Committee, P.O. Box 2936, Hagerstown, MD 21741-2936. Make checks payable to Antietam Commemoration Committee.

Unit or Regiment _______________________________________________________

Commander _________________________________________      Rank ______________________

Contact Person _________________________________________________________

Mailing address _________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip __________________________________________________________

E-mail address __________________________________________________________

Phone: Day (_______)__________________   Evening (_______)___________________________

MANDATORY - Circle Battalion Affiliation

CONFEDERATE:      Drayton's Brigade 


US Infantry ______________      CS Infantry _____________       Authentic Civilians __________

Registration fees are:

$10 for individuals if registered before April 30, 2002

$15 May 1 to July 31, 2002                                  

$25 after July 31, 2002

(children under 12 are free but must be registered)

Totals:     Military #____________ @ $________________  = $________________

                Civilian # ____________@ $________________  = $________________

                Under 12 #  ____________   Total amount enclosed  $_______________

The sponsor of the event, the Antietam Commemoration Committee, is a non-profit corporation that will dedicate a portion of the proceeds from the event to historic and battlefield preservation efforts.

Drayton's Brigade homepage

3d S.C. Batt'n / 15th S.C.V. / 51st GA / Phillips Legion

Uniform Standards / Registration for Drayton's Brigade / Links

Civilian Adjunct homepage

Last updated 21 July 2002 at 1245 hrs.

This page hosted by Silas of the 3d S.C. Batt'n. Email him here.